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“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” — Jim Rohn
Performance is critical to such longevity; no one stays with financial advisors who are ineffective. Many of our clients have been with us for a long time, some as long as 30 years. Over our decades of service, we have learned how important it is to provide trustworthy, results-oriented financial services for our clients early on.
Van Leeuwen & Company believes that no client is too small for us, and we treat every client relationship like a partnership. We don’t expect you to share personal information with us or allow us to manage your portfolio unless you trust us implicitly. So if that means taking it slow, that’s how we’ll take it. If you want us to confer with others you rely on (lawyers, accountants, other financial advisors, or family members), we’re happy to do that too. We're here to paint the canvas of your future, so we'll do whatever it takes to help earn your trust.
We’ll always respond promptly when you have a query, whether it’s about a particular investment, overall strategy, a concern about the market, or a question about how best to finance a major purchase. If you want to come into the office to talk or have us come to you, we’ll make that happen. And when there's something important you need to know — an opportunity or a red flag arises — we deliver the news along with our professional advice to you just as fast. When you hire us it is not just about managing your assets we will guide you in your life's journey.
Improving the world's standard of living
Ken Van Leeuwen and his financial planning team take several initiatives for the growth and betterment of those who strive to make positive change. Focused on the root of human advancement, Ken and his team understand that most things begin at their origins. As such, maintaining an empathetic posture toward the progress of human civilization starts by taking a selfless approach toward many diverse contributions.
Van Leeuwen & Company is a wealth management firm that seeks to make a difference by supporting advancements in society, health, education, art, socioeconomic matters, and the family as a whole. Even the subtlest of bestowals can improve quality of life, contribute to improving physical and mental health, promote noteworthy achievements, and aid hard workers. Whether for those with special needs, struggling families, single parents, aspiring entrepreneurs, or the general welfare of humankind, Ken Van Leeuwen and team are strong believers in the support of humanitarianism.